I've been having fun looking through a couple of old, 1911 & 1908, magazines. The best part is the advertisements. It's amazing how many of the products are still around. There were ads for Jello, Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, Heinz, Vaseline, & Domino Sugar among others. There are ads that make me wish I could still get the product. Beautiful lace and my favorite a set of gorgeous modular walnut bookcases for $25 each. Then there are the ads that make me glad that we've made progress since 1911. There's the Folding Bath Tub, the Magic Foot Drafts that promise to cure Rheumatism, and Baby's Rubber Outfit. Worst of all is The Natural Body Brace. It promises that it 'cures ailments peculiar to women' and believe me it looks anything but comfortable!
All that magazine browsing inspired this kit:
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