In the blog world I have been very sick with a bad case of Blogitis, sometimes known as Bloggers Block or Blogger laziness. There is no known cure but the best treatment is to get on your blog and type not worrying about what comes up on the screen so here goes . . .
I can not believe I have not updated this since October. Since then I've had a great Thanksgiving, wonderful Christmas, and added a daughter-in-law to the family. We love you Rachel! My best Christmas present was having my daughter home for a week. We had a great time but it was hard to put her back on the plane again!
Design wise I've done several kits and am currently having fun doing a series called
A Little Whimsy. Almost forget, I got a new computer too. Woo-hoo!!! It's fast, has lots of RAM, and a Core Duo processor. Before I could read a book and design at the same time because every step took so long to run and forget it if I wanted more than three or four layers in a paper. Now I can fly through steps and have as much depth in papers as I want. It's great. My husband is very sweet because it was his computer that needed to be replaced but he took my old one so that I could have an easier time designing - thanks Terry!