Friday, July 21, 2006


If you're looking for the Vintage Princess she resides on Thursdays Blog.
I always love Fridays. Even though I don't work in the summer, it's still great to look forward to the weekend. I made the rounds of the Targets in our area today trying to fulfill my daughters request of a size small, blue, men's tee shirt with Mr. Rogers picture on it. The stores all have every size but small. I finally just bought the medium. I've been humming 'Won't you be my neighbor' all day long.
Katie Pertiet had a great Mr. Rogers quote last week for her quote challenge. You can pick it up over at Designer Digitals.
If you want you can visit Mr. Rogers here.

1 comment:

ksauvage said...

Carol, I had no clue that Mr. Rogers had his own web page! I took a stroll over there and said "howdy", lol! Will have to put that in the list of favorites for my kids, thanks!